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Vedantix EHS Summit North America 2024

Vedantix EHS Summit North America 2024

November 6-7, 2024
Atlanta, GA

About the EHS Summit North America 2024

Environment, Health and Safety functions make a huge and varied impact on organizations’ overall performance and resilience. Depending on the firm, the function might be taking on diverse sets of compliance and risk objectives, addressing topics including safety culture, environmental compliance, ergonomics, ESG reporting, decarbonization, employee mental health and much more.

To address these concerns, the EHS Summit North America is taking place on November 6th and 7th, in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. It will be a timely event to attend: you’ll be gaining insight as next year’s compliance, risk and performance objectives are being finalized and the 2024 US presidential election result is being factored into overall corporate decision-making.

The two-track event has an emphasis on seniority and innovation. We expect to gather 150+ EHS leaders; including a diverse set of corporations, solution providers and the Verdantix EHS analysts who have been researching key EHS priorities.

Our event is structured so you can address your key EHS issues:

  • Main stage sessions throughout the event will help with overarching EHS strategy, focusing on designing strong management systems, improving culture, the role of artificial intelligence, managing contractors, addressing worker wellbeing, integrating EHS with quality and sustainability and the challenges caused by the globalization of operations.
  • Track 1 sessions will focus on health and safety, discussing how to manage ergonomics, machine safety and training concerns.
  • Track 2 sessions will focus on environment and sustainability, offering strategies to drive environmental compliance, climate action, decarbonization and ESG reporting.

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